Uncategorized – SUE SPEAKS PODCAST https://suespeakspodcast.com Meaningful Conversations with Meaningful People Tue, 19 Nov 2024 23:29:25 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 18 | GREG PALAST – Investigative Journalist https://suespeakspodcast.com/18-greg-palast/ Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:16:59 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=2762 Four decades into his career, he hounds truth harder than ever.Greg Palast has exposed some of the biggest scandals of the last century. The award-winning investigative reporter, four-time New York Times Bestselling author, and documentarian seeks justice and shines a light on the truth. His investigations have become instrumental in exposing historic controversies including the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Project, Exxon Valdez, the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, and Deepwater Horizon. Palast turns his attention to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election with his latest book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America’s Vanished Voters.

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Four decades into his career, he hounds truth harder than ever.Greg Palast has exposed some of the biggest scandals of the last century. The award-winning investigative reporter, four-time New York Times Bestselling author, and documentarian seeks justice and shines a light on the truth. His investigations have become instrumental in exposing historic controversies including the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Project, Exxon Valdez, the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, and Deepwater Horizon. Palast turns his attention to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election with his latest book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America’s Vanished Voters.

Greg grew up in Sun Valley, CA. He clawed his way into The University of Chicago and studied under none other than Milton Friedman (Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences). Upon graduation, he declined an offer to go work for Goldman Sachs and in 1975, he completed his first investigation, revealing massive overcharges by the Chicago Gas Company during the energy crisis that year. Over the next decade, he developed a reputation for success in racketeering cases brought against the nuclear industry. The State of New York and U.S. Justice Department enlisted him to investigate massive fraud by Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO) when it came to the development of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station. Greg and his team led an extensive review of internal documents and encouraged whistleblowers, uncovering fraud to the tune of $1.6 billion. The jury reached the largest settlement in history at the time with $4.8 billion awarded to Suffolk County. Greg even helped write the law which committed the public takeover of the company. Read the full bio HERE.

Greg’s website

Greg’s mission: “Just the facts, ma’am.”

Greg’s one-line message to the world: “Go to www.GregPalast.com.

The SUE Speaks BLOG Post about Greg Palast

  • Origins – wrong side of the tracks. Made him mad and an undercover investigative reporter to reveal truth
  • “Exiled.” Only work in England: BBC television and the Guardian newspaper.
  • Rachel Maddow
  • Heather Cox Richardson 
  • Follow the money – read Wall ST journal, Fortune Magazine, Financial Times
  • Winston Churchill’s “History of WWII”
  • BBC’s “In Our Time”
  • Big thinkers with big ideas: read them everyday
  • Milton Friedman
  • Deregulation mantra: Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Anti-government — led to Occupy Wallstreet
  • Spirituality: Does he believe in God?
  • Florida made Bush President – how (voter purges)
  • Greg says as an investigative reporter it’s all about the facts, not opinions
  • The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: You can download the movie for free on GregPalast.com
  • Leonardo DiCaprio put out Greg’s reporting
  • Sue’s idea: a Wisdom Council of an ad hoc group of truth tellers
  • Consortionnews.org – Bob Perry
  • Steve Donziger 
  • Greg’s in the truth business, uncovering things, so people know that the way it is isn’t how it should be
  • If he ruled the world: he’s a fan of democracy


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16 | TIM SHRIVER – Co-Founder of UNITE https://suespeakspodcast.com/16-tim-shriver/ https://suespeakspodcast.com/16-tim-shriver/#comments Fri, 23 Apr 2021 18:35:15 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=2501 Timothy Shriver is married, a father of five, the Chairman of Special Olympics International, and co-founder of UNITE, “an initiative to promote national unity and solidarity across differences.” Tim began his career as an educator and subsequently co-founded and currently chairs the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the leading school reform organization in the field of social and emotional learning. He earned his undergraduate degree from Yale University, a Master's degree from Catholic University, and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Connecticut. He has produced 6 films, is the author of The New York Times bestseller, Fully Alive – Discovering What Matters Most, and is co-editor of THE CALL TO UNITE: Voices of Hope and Awakening. He’s an inspirational speaker, even called “an evangelist” in the bio that’s on a speakers’ bureau that presents him for talks to corporate leaders.

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Timothy Shriver is married, a father of five, the Chairman of Special Olympics International, and co-founder of UNITE, “an initiative to promote national unity and solidarity across differences.” Tim began his career as an educator and subsequently co-founded and currently chairs the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the leading school reform organization in the field of social and emotional learning. He earned his undergraduate degree from Yale University, a Master’s degree from Catholic University, and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Connecticut. He has produced 6 films, is the author of The New York Times bestseller, Fully Alive – Discovering What Matters Most, and is co-editor of THE CALL TO UNITE: Voices of Hope and Awakening. He’s an inspirational speaker, even called “an evangelist” in the bio that’s on a speakers’ bureau that presents him for talks to corporate leaders.

THE CALL TO UNITE: Voices of Hope and Awakening

Tim’s website – Join his call.

Read this wonderful article about him

Tim’s mission: “My work is to welcome the beauty within myself and to encourage people to see it within themselves and within everyone else, too.”

Tim’s one-line message to the world: This is our time. This is a moment of great opportunity for change, a hopeful change, a healing change. Have faith in yourself, have faith in others. As many times as you may have been discouraged and as many times as you may have been disappointed by others, try again.”

The SUE Speaks BLOG Post about Tim Shriver

  • Doing things for creativity instead of for competition
  • Tension and brokenness between us threatens the future of us. A spiritual crisis. Hungering for something bigger than ourselves, to feel respect and belonging between us, for truth, beauty, goodness, and love.
  • Value not measured in clicks. The power of our mission to motivate and transform the world.
  • We don’t survive without a connection to one another and to the whole. Individualism is killing us, addicting us, creating violence between us.
  • Need for stories that remind us that we’re here for each other.
  • Fine to want financial success. Danger when it’s solo: heroine loneliness, heart breaking anxiety and soul crushing despair.
  • If we know the problem we can solve it.
  • Tim’s parents, Eunice Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, created organizations that healed divisions. The Special Olympics, the Peace Corps, and more. Patterns that bring things together.
  • Yes to that small group of committed citizens — willing to take a stand. We need ideas.
  • Presidency in his future? Politics doesn’t reward what he holds dear.
  • Oprah’s piece in his book about countries having an inner life, and it’s our dark night of the soul now, the loss of foundations.
  • No scapegoats, common enemies, us and them. Not finding meaning in the hatred of others. Need a story that includes everyone, a sense of belonging without a sense of exclusion and without demonizing anyone.
  • Idea of uniting against a common enemy. COVID didn’t do it.
  • What’s the new normal? Not the old.
  • UBI? Role for billionaires? Hard work of deep change.
  • Set the intention and challenge people to come up with solutions. The intention of compassion and respect for one another in a future where everyone belongs.

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SUE Speaks Podcast Video Trailer https://suespeakspodcast.com/sue-speaks-podcast-trailer/ Fri, 12 Mar 2021 19:17:52 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=2263 The post SUE Speaks Podcast Video Trailer appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.


How can we change our worldview? Host Suzanne Taylor created the SUE Speaks podcast, Searching for Unity in Everything, to explore this question. Guests come from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines, but they all have one thing in common: they’re deep and original thinkers who could change the world.

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12 | DAVID LORIMER – Programme Director of The Scientific & Medical Network https://suespeakspodcast.com/12-david-lorimer/ https://suespeakspodcast.com/12-david-lorimer/#comments Wed, 12 Aug 2020 14:30:26 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=1949 The post 12 | DAVID LORIMER – Programme Director of The Scientific & Medical Network appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a writer, lecturer and editor who is Programme Director of The​ ​Scientific & Medical Network, a Founder of Character Education Scotland, and former President of Wrekin Trust and the​ ​Swedenborg Society. Originally a merchant banker and then a teacher of​ ​philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author​ ​and/or editor of over a dozen books, most recently The Protein Crunch and A New Renaissance. He has​ ​edited three books about Peter Deunov, also known by his spiritual name, Beinsa Douno: Prophet for our Times (with a foreword by Dr Wayne Dyer,)​ ​The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, a translation of Deunov’s prayers and formulas into English.​ ​Lorimer is a founding member of the International Futures Forum and was editor of​ ​its digest, Omnipedia – Thinking for Tomorrow. He was a​ ​Trustee of the​ ​St Andrews Prize for the Environment and a Churchill Fellow. His book, Prince of Wales – Radical Prince, has been translated​ ​into Dutch, Spanish and French. He is the originator of the Inspiring Purpose​ ​Values Poster Programmes, which have reached over 300,000 young people.

Mystics and Scientists Extra 2020: Upcoming Webinar Events

David Lorimer website

David’s mission: “Inspiring purpose, transforming worldviews, and living your truth.”

David’s one-line message to the world: “Life is fundamentally about growing in love and wisdom, and acting for the common good.”

The SUE Speaks Blog Post about David Lorimer

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11 | LARRY DOSSEY, M.D. – Physician and New York Times Best-Selling Author https://suespeakspodcast.com/11-larry-dossey/ https://suespeakspodcast.com/11-larry-dossey/#comments Tue, 14 Apr 2020 12:43:40 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=1836 The post 11 | LARRY DOSSEY, M.D. – Physician and New York Times Best-Selling Author appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



Dr. Larry Dossey is a physician of internal medicine and former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, who lectures around the world. He received his M. D. degree from Southwestern Medical School (Dallas), and trained in internal medicine at Parkland and the VA hospitals in Dallas. Dossey has lectured at medical schools and hospitals throughout the United States and abroad. In 1988, he delivered the annual Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture in New Delhi, India, the only physician ever invited to do so. He is the author of twelve books dealing with consciousness, spirituality, and healing, including The New York Times bestseller, HEALING WORDS: THE POWER OF PRAYER AND THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, and, most recently, ONE MIND: HOW OUR INDIVIDUAL MIND IS PART OF A GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS AND WHY IT MATTERS. His books have been translated into many languages. Dr. Dossey is the former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. He is the executive editor of the peer-reviewed journal, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing. He is a member, as Suzanne is, of the prestigious Scientific & Medical Network (SMN), where he sometimes speaks at their events. SMN is a worldwide professional community and membership organization for open-minded, rigorous and evidence-based enquiry into themes bridging science, spirituality and consciousness. Dr. Dossey gave a moving talk at an event I was producing for TED a few years ago. And, his interview by Oprah, that we talk about in our podcast episode, was revelatory in authenticating the power of prayer to heal people. Dr. Dossey lives in Santa Fe with his wife, Barbara, a nurse-consultant and the author of several award-winning books.

Larry Dossey’s website

Larry’s mission: “My mission is to tell the truth and not shade the truth.”

Larry’s one-line message to the world:Pay Attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” – Mary Oliver

The SUE Speaks Blog Post about Larry Dossey, M.D.

  • Larry’s startled by discovering statistics on the healing power of prayer
  • amasses prayer findings in The New York Times best selling book, Healing Words
  • personal experience of healing power
  • main interest is the role of consciousness and healing
  • Larry’s personal prayer ritual
  • distance doesn’t matter
  • non-locality
  • prayer working backwards in time
  • ancient traditions were tuned into non-locality: Akashic records, cosmic consciousness, allumination, awakening, enlightenment, Christ consciousness, Zen Samadhi, yoga
  • EST in 1972: praying for strangers
  • Werner Erhard
  • the power of thought beyond prayer that affects the material world
  • prayer strategies
  • materialism and capitalism have overshadowed our sense of connection
  • origins of greed and selfishness
  • a case to be made for compassion and love for all creation
  • understanding our interconnection would dissolve our oppositional reality
  • Greta Thunberg and the promise from the younger generation
  • David Bohm
  • Physicians Untold Stories by Scott Kolbaba
  • mind-boggling miracle healing of Barbara Cummiskey
  • the significance of prayer coming from love
  • we don’t need to know how prayer works for it to work
  • twins’ experience as a “telesomatic” event
  • Twin Telepathy by Guy Lyon Playfair
  • “twin stuff” between Larry and his identical twin brother
  • a doctor’s fear about writing up a miracle cure
  • Larry’s praying for his patients
  • contribution that spirituality and spiritual practices make to human health
  • Larry talked about prayer on Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversation. Watch it on YouTube
  • Pulitzer Prize winner Mary Oliver‘s poem, “Sometimes

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10 | RICHARD GROSSINGER – Anthropologist and Author “Bottoming Out the Universe” https://suespeakspodcast.com/10-richard-grossinger/ https://suespeakspodcast.com/10-richard-grossinger/#comments Mon, 09 Mar 2020 17:25:02 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=1726 The post 10 | RICHARD GROSSINGER – Anthropologist and Author “Bottoming Out the Universe” appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



Richard Grossinger, moved from being a consultant and acquisitions editor at North Atlantic books, the press he founded with Lindy Hough in 1974, to curating his own imprint, Sacred Planet Books, at Inner Traditions. His own Inner Traditions book, Bottoming Out the Universe : Why There is Something Rather than Nothing, also came out this year. Richard received a BA from Amherst College and a PhD in anthropology from the University of Michigan. Writing with literary sensibility, he is the author of some 40 books. His writing can be divided into three overlapping categories: general experimental prose; books on science topics viewed historically, cross-culturally, epistemologically, esoterically, and in terms of pop culture; and autobiographical memoirs. The books range from long explorations of science, culture, and spirituality (The Night Sky: Soul and Cosmos, Planet Medicine, Embryogenesis: Species, Gender, and Identity), to memoirs (New Moon, Out of Babylon), to experimental prose (Book of the Earth and Sky, Spaces Wild and Tame), and science fiction (Mars: A Science Fiction Vision). He and Lindy Hough are the parents of Robin Grossinger, an environmental scientist working on urban redesign under climate change, and Miranda July, a multimedia artist and Hollywood indy director.

Richard Grossinger website

Richard’s mission: “I think I’m here to face the shadow-self, with an opportunity to transform something outside of time and space. More and more, I believe that life is a matter of honoring the mystery, while not knowing quite what your mission is. The trick is to stay true to it amid all the paradoxes and counterintuitive paths, and to not get swept up in any of the unintegrated realms of myth and spirit.”

Richard’s one-line message to the world:  “I’m not much for one-liners of any sort, especially in a sound-bite culture, but I was thinking today that when Rodney King said, ‘Why can’t we all just get along?’ it sounded naïve, sweet, and a tad disingenuous, but now, so soon after, it sounds like a voice from another universe, and that’s not good given the challenge the universe is putting before our planet and species.”

The SUE Speaks Blog Post about Richard Grossinger

“Richard Grossinger’s new book, The Night Sky, should be heralded as the publishing event of the decade. This is a book that has the power to change your relationship to the universe. I would even say it has the potentiality to participate in the evocation of a new civilization. You should know from the start that it is not an easy read, and I am not referring to the cutting edge science which is all presented with great clarity. In fact, the real difficulty in reading The Night Sky is directly related to its power, for to understand Grossinger’s vision of the universe one needs to open up the soul in ways that have been forgotten, ignored, and even explicitly oppressed by Western civilization for over 400 years now.

“Let me make a prediction. In the far future, when humanity has found its way beyond our present hyper destructive industrial form of society, and when historians are looking back on the 21st century to identify the crucial events that showed the way, The Night Sky will be very high on their list. I especially hope the young creative personalities of our time find their way here. To them I make one more prediction. You will have a wide range of experiences as you read. Sometimes you will be thrilled by the energies and structures of the universe, sometimes you will simply marvel at how much our contemporary sciences have discovered, sometimes you will be confused by the wide range of experiences and interpretations offered, sometimes you will argue against the vision in the book, sometimes you will argue for, but most of all as you swim about in The Night Sky you will find yourself exploding with new ideas, your own fresh ideas, new ideas sparked into existence by your interaction with this profound work that serendipity or just pure chance has placed in your hands.”

  • The changing times where people no longer read books
  • The arc of Richard’s work investigates 4 main topics: medicine, cosmology, embryology, and consciousness, each from a combination of scientific, anthropological, and historic and esoteric viewpoints
  • The journey of Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad
  • The depth of our misguidedness and being driven deeper to find our way
  • Bottoming Out the Universe : Why There is Something Rather than Nothing.  This is the next book of Richard’s that will be published soon by Inner Traditions.
  • Consciousness is outside of science
  • Influence on Richard: John Freidlander, meditation teacher and psychic
  • Is the universe real? Is it meaningful?
  • A run-down of Richard’s long history with Suzanne
  • Being human as the best game in town
  • Upcoming podcast guest, Larry Dossey, MD, and the power of prayer
  • What is the true possibility of massive transformation?
  • “It’s easier for humanity to imagine the extinction of existence than it is for them to imagine fixing it.”
  • Instead of looking to change the world, look to how to change yourself first. Previous podcast guest, Jodie Evans, is used as an example.
  • The absurd, the incomprehensible and cruel world, and the self sabotage going on

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9 | BRIAN SWIMME – Evolutionary Cosmologist https://suespeakspodcast.com/9-brian-swimme/ https://suespeakspodcast.com/9-brian-swimme/#comments Fri, 14 Feb 2020 20:56:22 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=1668 The post 9 | BRIAN SWIMME – Evolutionary Cosmologist appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



Brian Thomas Swimme is Director of the Center for the Story of the Universe and a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon in 1978 for work in gravitational dynamics. He brings the context of story to our understanding of the 13.7 billion year trajectory of the universe – a story that he feels will assist in the emergence of a flourishing Earth community.

Swimme is the author of The Universe is a Green Dragon and The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, which he just has rewritten to bring it up to modern speed. He is co-author of The Universe Story, which is the result of a ten year collaboration with cultural historian, Thomas Berry.

He is the creator of three educational video series: Canticle to the Cosmos, The Earth’s Imagination, and The Powers of the Universe. He co-wrote and hosted Journey of the Universe, a 60-minute film broadcast on PBS television stations nationwide. Journey of the Universe won the Northern California regional Emmy for Best Documentary of 2011.

He lectures widely and has presented at conferences sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, The World Bank, UNESCO, The United Nations Millennium Peace Summit, and the American Museum of Natural History.

Brian Swimme website

Brian’s mission:  I’m on a mission to teach humans that we are a 14 billion year creative process. That’s who we are in a primary sense. We also are male and female and the rest of it, but those are secondary. Every person, every animal, every rock, everything is a mode of a 14 billion year creative process.”

Brian’s one-line message to the world:If I’m talking to the world of listeners, isn’t it wonderful to be in the sphere of influence of Suzanne, who, if we imitated, we would transform the planet into a wonderful place? It’s wonderful to think that if everyone were like you, Suzanne, we would be in paradise. We’re close to that big turnaround moment.”

The SUE Speaks Blog Post about Brian Swimme

  • The Universe is a Green Dragon as a definitive story of the universe
  • Thomas Berry​ ​– cultural historian and mentor to Brian
  • The disaster of the switch from the universe as primary to humans being the central focus.
  • “Our scientific enterprise effectively decoupled itself from our humanistic spiritual tradition” as “the most terrifying pathology in the history of humanity.”
  • The human form of cosmic dynamics
  • The misguidedness of our time lets us see the deep forces of how we use and abuse Earth
  • Annihilation of species is a natural order of the universe
  • Death as a motivator to make our lives meaningful
  • The beauty of the stars inspired Brian’s life
  • After incremental changes we could be getting close to crossing a threshold to where love will take over
  • The Journey of the Universe, Brian’s award-winning PBS documentary
  • Pierre Teilhard de Chardin introduced the idea of humans becoming the planetary mind

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13 | JOHN FULLERTON – Founder and President of Capital Institute https://suespeakspodcast.com/13-john-fullerton/ https://suespeakspodcast.com/13-john-fullerton/#comments Sun, 27 Sep 2020 12:18:00 +0000 https://suespeakspodcast.com/?p=2114 The post 13 | JOHN FULLERTON – Founder and President of Capital Institute appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



John Fullerton is an unconventional economist, impact investor, writer and public speaker, and former Wall Street executive.  His passion is the systemic economic transformation underway at the dawn of the Integral Age.

John Fullerton is the founder and president of Capital Institute, a collaborative working to illuminate how our economy and financial system can operate to promote a more just, regenerative, and thus sustainable way of living on this earth. He is the author of “Regenerative Capitalism: How Universal Principles and Patterns Will Shape the New Economy.” Through the work of Capital Institute, regular public speaking engagements, and university lectures, John has become a recognized thought leader, exploring the future of Capitalism.

John is also a recognized “impact investment” practitioner as the principal of Level 3 Capital Advisors, LLC. Level 3’s direct investments are primarily focused on regenerative land use, food, and water issues. Through both Capital Institute and Level 3, John brings an integrated theory and practice approach to economic system transformation.

Previously, John was a managing director of JPMorgan where he worked for over 18 years. At JPMorgan, John managed various capital markets and derivatives business around the globe, then shifted focus to private investments and was subsequently the Chief Investment Officer of LabMorgan through the merger with Chase Manhattan before retiring from the bank in 2001.

Following JPMorgan, and after experiencing 9-11 first hand, John spent years embarked on more entrepreneurial ventures and as an impact investor while engaging in deep study of our multiple interconnected systemic crises that led to the founding of Capital Institute in 2010.

John was a member of the Long Term Capital Oversight Committee that managed the $3.6 Billion rescue of the distressed hedge fund in 1998. He is a co-founder and director of holistic ranch management company Grasslands, LLC, and director of New Day Farms, Inc., and the Savory Institute, and an advisor to the UNEP Finance Inquiry, and Richard Branson’s Business Leader’s initiative (“B Team”). In spring 2014, John was humbled to receive a nomination to the Club of Rome; he is now a full member.

John writes the “Future of Finance” blog, which is widely syndicated on platforms such as The GuardianHuffington PostCSRWireEcoWatch’s blog, and the New York Society of Security Analysts’ Finance Professionals’ Post. He has appeared on Frontline, and been interviewed by the New York TimesBloombergWall Street JournalBarrons, WOR radioReal News NetworkINETThink Progress, The Laura Flanders Show on GRITtv, Thom Hartmann, and The Free Forum Show with Terrence NcNally.

John received a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan, and an MBA from the Stern School of Business at NYU. He can be reached at jfullerton@capitalinstitute.org.

John Fullerton’s website

John’s mission: “It has to do with reconnecting and integrating the traditional wisdom that we’ve let go of together with our modern scientific understanding of how the universe works, and applying that insight to our economic system design, in particular into the financial system that powers the economic system.”

John’s one-line message to the world: “Place your faith and retain hope in this idea of the regenerative potential that exists for sure, even if we can’t quite see it.”


  • Journey of the Universe by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker
  • Exponential growth can’t go on
  • Federal government can print money for crises similar to Depression era
  • We need government money to transform systems quickly – like fossil fuels into renewables
  • Stephanie Kelton and Randall Ray: Modern Monetary Theory – handling crises more important than balancing the budget.
  • We can’t continually expand ecological footprint. The Green New Deal (GND) still in false idea we can grow ourselves to prosperity.
  • Regenerative economy like a continual motion machine, more abundance from the abundance we have. A robust circulation.
  • Our economy needs to function like living systems function.
  • Permaculture is the foundation of a regenerative living system.
  • The idea of living systems goes back to Aristotle and Goethe – reconnect with indigenous wisdom.
  • Limits to Growth seminal about exponential growth on a finite planet. His mission to deliver this info. Donnella H. “Dana” Meadows is one of the authors.
  • Left Wall Street – it can’t see the truth re exponential growth.
  • Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy by Peter Brown 
  • Need balance between masculine and feminine — women smarter about resiliency.
  • Empowered participation, the principle of in-balance and right relationships, robust circulation
  • Universal Basic Income for everyone? Great idea.
  • Billionaires violating principles of robust circulation.
  • COVID made his suburban house more valuable – financial gain from COVID. Unfair.
  • Revisit estate tax – heirs shouldn’t get vast fortunes
  • Idea! Predistribution and not redistribution of wealth – commons portfolio we all own gets 25% of value after company reaches billion dollars in market cap.
  • Why is Wall Street doing so well? No sense. We are in collapse – of sorts. Huge change underway.
  • Club of Rome – has a good initiative on rebuilding the economy.
  • Herman Daly’s Ecological Economics
  • Nobel Prize in Economics for William Nordhaus – his climate model says target is 3.5 degrees Celsius. WRONG. End of life
  • Divine feminine deeper sensing than logical analysis
  • Capitalnstitute.org — it’s THE site — John’s list of books he likes is there

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