Social Change – SUE SPEAKS PODCAST Meaningful Conversations with Meaningful People Sun, 14 Apr 2024 00:11:14 +0000 en hourly 1 5 | JOEL SOLOMON – Chairman, Renewal Funds Thu, 18 Jul 2019 20:40:29 +0000 http://5d2b771689e804247ab66256 The post 5 | JOEL SOLOMON – Chairman, Renewal Funds appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



Joel Solomon is Founding Partner of Renewal Funds, Canada’s largest mission venture capital firm at over $98M, investing in Organics and EnviroTech in Canada and the USA. With Founder/Funder Carol Newell, he spent 14 years implementing a “whole portfolio to mission” strategy as leader of her activist Family Office. As Executive Director of Endswell Foundation, Joel guided the spend down of a $20M endowment, leaving Tides Canada Foundation and Hollyhock as legacy charities, while supporting the success of the renowned BC environmental community. As President of Carol’s Renewal Partners seed capital fund, he placed $10M+ into dozens of values driven companies in BC and through their networks across the continent. Joel was active in the launch of the municipal political party Vision Vancouver, led by close friend, Mayor Gregor Robertson, the longest serving Mayor in Vancouver, and co-founder of Happy Planet Foods, where Joel served on the board for 10 years. He is co-producer of RSF Social Finance’s “Integrated Capital Fellows” program for social change investment leaders, a 2012 TEDxVancouver Speaker, a Founding Member of Social Venture Network (SVN), Business for Social Responsibility, and the Tides Canada Foundation, and recently retired Board Chair of Hollyhock. Joel is a member of the University of British Columbia Board of Governors, and Co-Author of The Clean Money Revolution, a call to action to move trillions of dollars from damage to regeneration.

Joel Solomon website

Joel’s mission: “Do everything we can so people who come next have blessings we had and can do even better.”

Joel’s one-line message to the world: “Know where your money is and what it is doing to people and places. Do less harm. Do more good with it.”

The SUE Speaks Blog Post about Joel Solomon
  • The biggest transfer of wealth in history will occur during the next 20 years
  • The Clean Money Revolution is us being conscious with what gets supported by that 40-100 trillion dollars.
  • A little history of money
  • The perils of late-stage capitalism – the system must change
  • How much is enough? Then, what am I going to do with more money?
  • Every single part of society is going to go through transformation economically
  • Becoming conscious of how your money is invested
  • Assets should be moved into the emerging, clean economy
  • The need for government to regulate us
  • The necessity of a shift of consciousness
  • Ideas for how to turn the world around
  • The power of the individual to change the world
  • Joel’s path of experimentation and discovery
  • The need to find our calling that’s bigger than ourselves
  • Young people are getting inspired to more intelligent financial choices
  • The brilliance of what we’ve created and the loss of our ethical core
  • The growth of ethical investing (impact investing)
  • Universal Basic Income
  • Joel’s speculation of how 100 trillion dollars could be invested to change the world
  • Joel puts fair taxation as the most impacting change we can make
  • The most significant issue to deal with is global warming
  • Whoever does the most good wins – a campaign
  • Joel’s inspirations: the Chicago riots, working with Jimmy Carter, Rex Weyler as a mentor, Save the Whale Foundation, Pacific Killer Whale Foundation (Orca Lab), Joel’s mother.
  • Joel’s sister, Linda Solomon
  • Recommended books: Rex Weyler’s books, “Real Impact” by Morgan Simon (Joel called it “Real Money” on the podcast), “Drawdown” by Paul Hawkins
  • Women needing to be properly empowered – “Make it more fair on the planet and we can solve anything.”
  • Joel’s TED talk


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6 | JODIE EVANS – Co-Founder/Director, CODE PINK Thu, 08 Aug 2019 22:28:00 +0000 http://5d47598a45842932757e7321 The post 6 | JODIE EVANS – Co-Founder/Director, CODE PINK appeared first on SUE SPEAKS PODCAST.



Jodie Evans is the co-founder and co-director of CODEPINK and the co-founder of the after-school writing program, 826LA. She has been a visionary advocate for peace for several decades. An inspired motivator, Jodie invigorates nascent activists and re-invigorates seasoned activists through her ever-evolving, always exciting methods to promote peace. Whether in board rooms or war zones, Jodie’s enthusiasm for a world at peace infuses conciliation, optimism and activism.

As Director of Administration in California Governor Jerry Brown’s first administration, Jodie championed environmental causes, resulting in breakthroughs in wind and solar technology. She managed Governor Brown’s 1991 Presidential campaign that instituted a cap on financial contributions which resulted in a stronger push for campaign finance standards. Jodie serves on the board of directors of numerous organizations that foster environmental, charitable, educational, socio-political and healthcare causes, including Drug Policy Alliance, Foundation for World Arts, Global Girl Media, Hereditary Disease Foundation, Institute for Policy Studies, Motion Institute and Rainforest Action Network. In 1999, she co-created the Peace Conference in Dubrovnik centered on “Imagining Peace in the 21st Century,” and she continues to produce the multi-event World Festival of Sacred Music that takes place in Los Angeles every 3 years.

Since the start of the 2003 Iraq War, Jodie has traveled to Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Jordan. On her most recent visit to Jordan, Jodie traveled with a peace coalition to meet with delegates from the Iraqi Parliament to institute an action plan for peace and reconciliation. In Cuba, she protested the prison facility at Guantanamo, and, in 2015, she was one of 30 women activists from fifteen countries who crossed the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea calling for peace and reconciliation between the two countries.

Jodie’s commitment to social change is evidenced in documentary films she has produced, starting with Stripped and Teased: Tales from Las Vegas Women, a very personal look at the real women who work and live in Jodie’s hometown. She has also produced The People Speak, based on Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States; the Oscar-nominated documentary, The Square, about the 2011-2012 democratic uprisings in Egypt; the climate change documentary, This Changes Everything; and, The Brainwashing of my Dad, about the rise of the right-wing media apparatus.

In partnership with Andrew Beath at Ocean Song, a farm and wilderness center in Northern California, she has witnessed how a community gifted with land can thrive, turning the land into rich soil for the growth of human beings. Inspired by the success of Ocean Song, Jodie partnered with Paul Hawken and Lekha Singh to become a caretaker for Two Rivers and Mohawk Love Farms in Springfield, Oregon. She is on the board of directors of the Center for New Economics and she is a tireless advocate of the slow food and slow money movements, supporting local production and local consumption and encouraging economic development in the local regional economy.

Jodie is the co-editor of two books, Twilight of Empire: Responses to Occupation, and, Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism, and a contributor to Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution. She is currently writing a book about divesting from the unjust, extractive war economy and building a just, sustainable peace economy.

Jodie Evans website

Jodie’s mission: Jodie is primarily focused on sharing a global vision for peace and social justice.

Jodie’s one-line message to the world: “Find ways to disconnect from the war economy; then open your heart and mind, connect to others and together cultivate what creates conditions conducive for life.”

The SUE Speaks Blog Post about Jodie Evans
  • Structure of governments is violent and oppressive and extractive
  • The difference between the war economy and the peace economy that Jodie is committed to
  • Jodie and her people visit problematic areas
  • The government is the problem in Iran and Afghanistan but not the people
  • We went backwards after WW1
  • The corruption that comes with power
  • A cyclical perspective: “…An Oligarchy on the Brink of a Civilization-Threatening Collapse
  • Her delegation to Iraq discovered no weapons but media didn’t cover
  • Women working in Wall Street – the golden handcuffs
  • Truth-tellers are oppressed by the power forces
  • Grass roots, not top-down, to create alternatives
  • In connecting with each other locally we create conditions conducive to life
  • The ill-advised befriending of the vicious regime of Saudi Arabia
  • Do your little piece you really can do rather than big ideas to save the world
  • Code Pink’s 21 Days of Divesting from the War Economy
  • Bernie Sanders, Jodie, and Marianne Williamson as tuning forks to values to live by
  • Rule of activism is to change the people closest to you
  • The Arts help us find our way…reading too
  • Once you change locally then you can change globally
  • Helping youth in Venice gave model for homelessness
  • Great success of after school writing program in Los Angeles
  • Get conscious of behavior to change it
  • The fulfillment of hands-on local action
  • Little nudges inspire action that diverts big catastrophes
  • Jodie surviving a difficult childhood
  • Working as a maid became activist for worker rights
  • Compassion from realizing hard times her parents and grandparents had
  • Terrible prison and drug policies
  • The tragedy of great loss pivoted Jodie to who she is – shifted from surviving to living
  • Milton Wexler helping Jodie heal led Jodie to raised 10M for the cure for Huntington’s Disease that created the massive Genome Project
  • Celebrate people you don’t hear about who are heroic
  • Find what you have to contribute – with others – get ahead of the game — magical things happen
  • Years of drinking ayahuasca and seeing the beauty of the universe
  • Need accountability for every moment to create conditions conducive to life

Other lightening rods:

  • Bucky Fuller
  • Keppler
  • Plato
  • Gloria Steinem

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