Comments on: 13 | JOHN FULLERTON – Founder and President of Capital Institute Meaningful Conversations with Meaningful People Sun, 14 Apr 2024 00:11:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Smith Tue, 03 Nov 2020 09:38:39 +0000 Very nice!

How true.

By: suzanne Thu, 15 Oct 2020 23:27:46 +0000 In reply to Frolic Taylor.

I love you saying this. I kept telling people that if the idea of money bamboozles you, as it does so many people, listen to John. Also, he has that rare personal quality, like Brian Swimme has, that melts you to how sweet he is. He connected with David Lorimer after David heard the podcast, and John will be doing something with David’s Scientific and Medical Network (SMN). You must not have heard the program that Anne Baring just did for SMN, which is the clearest tracking of what’s happened to the feminine. It’s only open for replaying to SMN members, but, honestly, you would adore it so much that it would be worth it to you to be a member to be able to listen to it, plus they have the best roster of speakers and Zoom interactions among members. Anne is in England, where we connected when I did my shooting for my documentary crop circle, What on Earth?, and she’s been a valuable ally of mine for a long time.

By: Frolic Taylor Thu, 15 Oct 2020 02:17:09 +0000 Dearest Suzanne- My eternal thanks! I have finally had time to listen to your John Fullerton podcast. Probably it has taken so long because I have always been bamboozled about the subject of money! HOWEVER his words are probably the most important wisdom (other than Brian Swimme ) that have entered into my brain for my entire life. Please share with him what I write the following.
John – I have come to believe that because humans have been living in a patriarchal culture for the last 2,000+ years that we presently have a primal pain. Our modern culture has lost honor and respect for the feminine (half the population). If women are placed in positions of power and influence (Melinda Gates) to have a voice in decision making (Ruth Bader Ginsberg) about education, healthcare, economics, government and the environment that will create the necessary balance of input to create regenerative economics for our species to continue on this planet. In my study of the indigenous cultures they saw, knew and experienced the natural ecological balance of the feminine and masculine as expressed in nature. My thinking is totally aligned with yours. It was a pleasure to hear your wisdom!
Suzanne – I am eternally grateful for this podcast with John Fullerton!

By: suzanne Sun, 11 Oct 2020 22:18:56 +0000 In reply to James Wanless.

I was late getting to see this and we’ve already had our chat that both of us were on. What a treat that was for everyone! We should do more of that online, with smart people sharing their thoughts being more interesting to me than listening to lectures with Q&As.

By: James Wanless Fri, 02 Oct 2020 18:48:57 +0000 Fabulous and so true by John!! I am, myself, seeking to apply his 8 Regenerative Principles to my own being and my own life. These are universal life precepts for a “RE” life of renewal, reinvention, regeneration that apply to every living system from one-celled microorganisms to supernovas to us as individuals, earthlings, and Americans. I will be on the Chat with John!! How kool is that! Thanx, thanx, thanx Suzanne for facilitating this regenerative process of win-win symbiotic and sustainable sharing!
